対訳ワシントンタイムズ rss

Republican candidates turn climate change into debate on economy 気候変動を経済から論じる共和党

Republican candidates turn climate change into debate on economy Last week’s Republican presidential deb…


A dark and grim anniversary 暗く厳しい9・11記念日

A dark and grim anniversary Where are we, 14 years after Sept. 11? The future looks dark and grim. Fourteen ye…


Summit to seek expanded China military ties 米中首脳会談で軍事交流拡大へ

Summit to seek expanded China military ties Despite tensions over Chinese military cyberattacks and destabiliz…


Donald Trump losing evangelical support to Ben Carson amid questions about faith 福音派はトランプ氏よりカーソン氏支持

Donald Trump losing evangelical support to Ben Carson amid questions about faith Donald Trump is leading among…


EDITORIAL/Blue lives matter 警官の命だって大切だ(注)

EDITORIAL/Blue lives matter A sheriff’s deputy in Houston is shot 15 times as he fuels his squad car bec…


Syria refugee crisis a no-win for Obama シリア難民危機で板挟みのオバマ氏

Syria refugee crisis a no-win for Obama Human rights groups say President Obama’s opening bid of accepting 10,…


Hillary Clinton breaks with Obama, threatens war to enforce Iran deal クリントン氏、イラン核合意でオバマ氏と距離

Hillary Clinton breaks with Obama, threatens war to enforce Iran deal Democratic presidential front-runner Hil…


Turkey’s growing instability 不安定化進むトルコ

Turkey’s growing instability Once the eastern anchor of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (geography has …


Russia’s nuclear weapons buildup challenges Obama’s reduction goal ロシアの核増強でオバマ氏の核削減が困難に

Russia’s nuclear weapons buildup challenges Obama’s reduction goal President Obama’s decision two years …


Obama’s green pressure tactics exposed: Governors, climate activists help sell agenda オバマ氏の環境保護圧力戦術が明らかに

Obama’s green pressure tactics exposed: Governors, climate activists help sell agenda The Obama administration…


A dragon by the tail 苦境に陥っている竜

A dragon by the tail China is hurtling toward regime crisis. The Shanghai stock market roller coaster, the ner…


China’s leaders on the spot after economic stumbles 経済失策で中国指導部に焦点

China’s leaders on the spot after economic stumbles Chinese officials say they know exactly who is to blame fo…


Obama agenda, legacy in hands of federal judges 連邦判事に委ねられるオバマ氏の政治課題

Obama agenda, legacy in hands of federal judges A federal judge in Texas has put President Obama’s deportation…


Lessons from an apology 謝罪からの教訓

Lessons from an apology Apologies are never easy, and apologizing in the name of a nation is hardest of all. B…


U.N. side deal lets Iran lead its own nuclear inspections イラン自身が査察を行うことを認める核合意

U.N. side deal lets Iran lead its own nuclear inspections In a development that incited more opposition in Con…


New Clinton email count: 305 documents with potentially classified information クリントン氏のメール305通に機密情報か

New Clinton email count: 305 documents with potentially classified information More than 300 of former Secreta…


Australia picks up slack as the U.S. Navy shrinks to 1917 levels 1917年レベルに縮小した米海軍を豪州がテコ入れか

Australia picks up slack as the U.S. Navy shrinks to 1917 levels There’s a little good news from Down Un…
