Visa-free visitors must give more information as terrorist fears grow テロの脅威高まり、ビザ免除国からの渡航者へ審査強化
Visa-free visitors must give more information as terrorist fears grow Homeland Security officials said Monday …

The untapped potential oil sheikdom of America 未開発の国産石油が米国を産油大国にする可能性
The untapped potential oil sheikdom of America Saudi Arabia is no longer king of the oil patch, and the United…

Obama likely to spring major decisions on public after midterms オバマ氏、中間選後に重要決定を発表へ
Obama likely to spring major decisions on public after midterms Regardless of the outcomes of Tuesday’s …

Steyer’s election millions can’t heat up voters on climate change 大金投入も気候変動を争点にできず
Steyer’s election millions can’t heat up voters on climate change San Francisco billionaire Tom Steyer has spe…

Tobacco neo-Prohibitionists at the U.N. 国連で禁酒法ならぬ禁煙法の支持者が新たに台頭
Tobacco neo-Prohibitionists at the U.N. The world, or a good part of it, struggles to cope with Ebola, and the…

Green Berets tell of Afghan National Army soldiers’ incompetence 米特殊部隊隊員が証言、アフガン国軍は無力
Green Berets tell of Afghan National Army soldiers’ incompetence Elite Army Green Berets are knocking the perf…

Saudi Arabia raises stakes in oil war with steady production, price cut 石油戦争への関与深めるサウジ
Saudi Arabia raises stakes in oil war with steady production, price cut Consumers are enjoying a break from hi…

Afghanistan anti-corruption task force shuttered amid U.S. troop drawdown アフガンの腐敗撲滅部隊が解体
Afghanistan anti-corruption task force shuttered amid U.S. troop drawdown The Pentagon this month will termina…

Ebola politics エボラをめぐる政治的駆け引き
Ebola politics The Ebola virus has arrived on our shores, and already it has infected the politics. Nina Pham,…

Flawed Ebola protocols left U.S. nurses vulnerable, health official says エボラ対策手順に欠陥-医療当局者
Flawed Ebola protocols left U.S. nurses vulnerable, health official says An Obama administration health offici…

Ebola sparks political battle over research funding エボラ拡大で研究所予算めぐり政治論争
Ebola sparks political battle over research funding The Ebola finger-pointing kicked into a higher gear Monday…

The do-nothing Congress: Who’s really at fault? 無為無策の連邦議会:本当は誰が悪いのか
The do-nothing Congress: Who’s really at fault? President Obama likes to kick Congress when it’s down. W…

Pentagon sees Baghdad at risk of Islamic State takeover, expects Kobani to fall イスラム国のバグダッド侵攻も―国防総省
Pentagon sees Baghdad at risk of Islamic State takeover, expects Kobani to fall The Pentagon on Wednesday made…

Disease plagues illegal immigrants; lack of medications, basic hygiene blamed 衛生観念乏しく不法移民の間で感染症
Disease plagues illegal immigrants; lack of medications, basic hygiene blamed Communicable diseases continue t…

The flawed rationale for early voting 期日前投票に対する欠陥のある論拠
The flawed rationale for early voting Election Day was once the anticipated day when voters arrived at the pol…

Ebola in the U.S.: Stricter travel quarantine practices dropped by Obama admin. in 2010 エボラ熱/検疫強化をオバマ政権が2010年に廃止
Ebola in the U.S.: Stricter travel quarantine practices dropped by Obama admin. in 2010 Many health and transp…

U.S. has only jet to transport Ebola patients safely エボラ患者を輸送可能な航空機は1機だけ
U.S. has only jet to transport Ebola patients safely As the Ebola virus spread quickly across parts of Africa …

Army intel bucks Homeland, warns anew of possible Islamic State attack on U.S. soil 陸軍情報機関が米本土へのイスラム国の攻撃を警告
Army intel bucks Homeland, warns anew of possible Islamic State attack on U.S. soil While the Department of Ho…

Fence good for White House, but not for southern border? 治安防護壁はホワイトハウスには必要で、南部国境には不要なのか
Fence good for White House, but not for southern border? President Obama has finally endorsed building a bette…

counterinsurgency operatives deployed to Ukraine 武装勢力対策チームをウクライナに派遣
counterinsurgency operatives deployed to Ukraine The Pentagon has dispatched eight military personnel to Kiev …

‘Make in India’: Prime minister envisions manufacturing hub to rival China 「メーク・イン・インディア」中国と並ぶ製造拠点目指すインド首相
‘Make in India’: Prime minister envisions manufacturing hub to rival China Seeking to put some muscle behind h…

Illegals on Obamacare? Feds set to bounce 115,000 from program who can’t prove citizenship 滞在資格示せず、11万5000人がオバマケア登録無効に
Illegals on Obamacare? Feds set to bounce 115,000 from program who can’t prove citizenship The Obama administr…

The Obama disease takes toll on economy オバマ病が経済を損なう
The Obama disease takes toll on economy Ronald Reagan’s famous question that sank Jimmy Carter in 1980 &…