対訳ワシントンタイムズ rss

Cyberthreat center coming サイバー脅威センターを新設

Cyberthreat center coming The White House national security adviser for counterterrorism announced this week t…


The measles outbreak はしかの流行

The measles outbreak Measles is supposed to be dead and gone from the United States, having been declared &#82…


Pakistani diplomat Jalil Abbas Jilani seeks increased U.S. pressure on India パキスタン大使、インドへの圧力を要求

Pakistani diplomat Jalil Abbas Jilani seeks increased U.S. pressure on India The top Pakistani diplomat in Was…


Playing the fool’s game 愚か者のゲーム

Playing the fool’s game The clock is ticking on efforts to halt Iran’s quest for the bomb, and time is r…


Illegal immigrants released from custody committed 1,000 new crimes 釈放の不法移民、新たに1000件の犯罪

Illegal immigrants released from custody committed 1,000 new crimes One thousand of the 36,000 illegal immigra…


Gen. James Mattis criticizes Obama defense, security policies 前中央軍司令官がオバマ氏の国防・安保政策を批判

Gen. James Mattis criticizes Obama defense, security policies Retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis, former c…


The state of the president 大統領の現状

The state of the president The Constitution requires presidents to provide Congress with periodic information …


Stopping jihad in America 米国におけるイスラム聖戦を阻止する方法

Stopping jihad in America The terrorist attacks on France are a reminder that the broken U.S. immigration syst…


France fears more terrorists still at large after Charlie Hebdo attack テロリスト6人の行方が依然不明-フランス

France fears more terrorists still at large after Charlie Hebdo attack French authorities said Monday that as …


Hope but no change in France 希望、と唱えても、フランスでは変化は起こらない

Hope but no change in France President Francois Hollande, buoyed by the euphoria of his election in 2012, when…


American economy stronger than Obama incompetence オバマの無能力を超える米経済の強さ

American economy stronger than Obama incompetence Barack Obama needed not one, but two autobiographies to tell…


Terrorists adapting to avoid U.S. drones 無人機対策講じるテロリスト

Terrorists adapting to avoid U.S. drones The most dangerous al Qaeda affiliate to the U.S. homeland is teachin…


Sliding oil prices leave socialist Venezuela on brink of financial collapse 原油下落で財政破綻の危機-ベネズエラ

Sliding oil prices leave socialist Venezuela on brink of financial collapse The ongoing plunge in global oil p…


Cyber Command investment ensures hackers targeting U.S. face retribution サイバー軍、米国を標的のハッカーには報い

Cyber Command investment ensures hackers targeting U.S. face retribution In the shadows of the Sony hacking in…
