対訳ワシントンタイムズ rss

Christians on the retreat in the U.S. as the number of unchurched surge キリスト教徒が減り、「所属なし」が増加

Christians on the retreat in the U.S. as the number of unchurched surge The American people have become slight…


The powder keg in Northeast Asia 「北東アジア」における火薬庫

The powder keg in Northeast Asia The world’s attention is focused on the chaos of the Middle East, but a…


Obama runs from Hillary Clinton amid scandals, political disagreements クリントン氏に距離を置くオバマ氏

Obama runs from Hillary Clinton amid scandals, political disagreements Conventional political wisdom said Hill…


Closing in on Hillary ヒラリー包囲網縮まる

Closing in on Hillary Americans are a tolerant lot, most of the time, but suspicion of foreigners trying to in…


Saudi shake-up won’t undercut ties, U.S. says 米、サウジ改編で両国関係は変わらず

Saudi shake-up won’t undercut ties, U.S. says The Obama administration said a major power shake-up in Saudi Ar…


Bury the death tax 相続税を葬るべし

Bury the death tax The House of Representatives approved legislation last week to abolish the death tax, and t…


Hillary to the rescue ヒラリーは急場しのぎ

Hillary to the rescue Hillary Rodham Clinton is not the inevitable president, but she was clearly the inevitab…


Obama resists oil exports despite near-record U.S. crude production 米の原油生産最大規模に、政府は輸出に反対

Obama resists oil exports despite near-record U.S. crude production With U.S. energy production at near-record…


Republicans, Democrats find common ground on Iran, Medicare, education 共和・民主、イラン、メディケア、教育で一致

Republicans, Democrats find common ground on Iran, Medicare, education A rash of bipartisanship has broken out…


President Obama’s dreamy dreams オバマ大統領の夢のまた夢

President Obama’s dreamy dreams Words enough to fill an unabridged dictionary went into the tentative “f…


A challenge to Congress 連邦議会への申し入れ

A challenge to Congress When Richard Nixon signed the legislation establishing the Environmental Protection Ag…


Good news in New Mexico ニューメキシコ州からの朗報

Good news in New Mexico Ronald Reagan, an eloquent proponent of federalism, called the several states the labo…


Hillary Clinton wiped email server clean, refuses to turn it over クリントン氏、サーバーのメールを削除し提出を拒否

Hillary Clinton wiped email server clean, refuses to turn it over Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Cli…
