対訳ワシントンタイムズ rss

Taming the hungry dragon 飢えた竜を調教する

Taming the hungry dragon Secretary of State John Kerry and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew sat down Monday with th…


Congress ponders: OPM data breach could total 32 million Americans 人事局の情報流出は最大3200万人分か-議会

Congress ponders: OPM data breach could total 32 million Americans As many as 32 million Americans might have …


Obama forcing military to measure Arctic ice levels 軍に北極圏の海氷を監視させるオバマ氏

Obama forcing military to measure Arctic ice levels Even as the U.S. military struggles to contain the Islamic…


A new Jeb Bush ニュー「ジェブ・ブッシュ」を

A new Jeb Bush The “official” entry of Jeb Bush into the Republican presidential race leaves an im…


The headache in Pakistan 頭痛の種のパキスタン

The headache in Pakistan Pakistan is a headache for the West, with its 185 million Muslims suffering a fragile…


Iran’s economy poised for growth spurt with or without sanctions over nukes イラン経済、制裁解除なしでも成長の見込み

Iran’s economy poised for growth spurt with or without sanctions over nukes Critics of the nuclear negotiation…


Obama to host China’s Xi Jinping despite cyberattacks サイバー攻撃を受けても中国国家主席を迎えるオバマ氏

Obama to host China’s Xi Jinping despite cyberattacks Despite China’s escalating cyberattacks that are s…


Russian bomber flights buzzing U.S. airspace doubled last year ロシアの米領空への接近が倍増

Russian bomber flights buzzing U.S. airspace doubled last year The number of long-range Russian strategic bomb…


2016 Democratic White House hopefuls jockey for Hispanics’ support ヒスパニック票獲得を目指す民主党大統領候補ら

2016 Democratic White House hopefuls jockey for Hispanics’ support Putting a premium on Hispanic voters as the…


Let'see the server クリントン夫人のサーバーを見てみよう

Let’see the server There’s a media consensus that there’s no “smoking gun” in th…


U.S. allies not waiting for Iran’s sanctions to come down イランの制裁解除が待てない米同盟国

U.S. allies not waiting for Iran’s sanctions to come down Italian oil executives visit Tehran, scouting out de…


Russia recovery talk premature as sanctions threaten to cripple economy ロシア経済回復の議論は時期尚早

Russia recovery talk premature as sanctions threaten to cripple economy Russian government officials - and eve…


American ex-trainer sees fatal flaws for Iraqi forces イラク軍に重大な欠陥、米軍元トレーナーが指摘

American ex-trainer sees fatal flaws for Iraqi forces A U.S. soldier who helped train some of the first post-S…


A story of the Vietnam War 「ベトナム戦争」の話

A story of the Vietnam War The Pentagon is out to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end of the war in Vi…


U.S. military pressed to design special line of combat boots just for women 女性用戦闘靴の開発求められる米軍

U.S. military pressed to design special line of combat boots just for women Congress is prodding the armed for…
