Spy chief rules out transparency reform of NSA snooping情報機関トップ、NSA通信傍受の公開に否定的
Spy chief rules out transparency reform of NSA snooping One of the nation’s top intelligence officials defende…

The nonessential spyある「ノン・エッセンシャル」スパイの話
The nonessential spy The phrase “nonessential personnel” re-entered the lexicon during last month’s government…

Promise breakers: Congressional lawmakers shirk shutdown pledge, keep paychecks政府閉鎖で誓いを守らない議員ら
Promise breakers: Congressional lawmakers shirk shutdown pledge, keep paychecks Nearly half of Congress promis…

DOE stayed mum as another green energy firm went bustまたクリーンエネルギー企業破綻 エネルギー省報告せず
DOE stayed mum as another green energy firm went bust Failing to heed the lessons of the Solyndra debacle, Ene…

Making the world safe for dirt世界を塵芥にとって住み良い場所にする?
Making the world safe for dirt When government regulators design light bulbs, they become expensive, toxic haz…

Nuclear submarines capable of widespread attack on U.S.米国攻撃可能な原潜
Nuclear submarines capable of widespread attack on U.S. Chinese state-run media revealed for the first time th…

Al-Maliki visit presents delicate a challenge for administrationイラク首相訪問で試される米政府
Al-Maliki visit presents delicate a challenge for administration He was an obscure compromise candidate when u…

No keys to the factoryUAWに工場の鍵を渡してはいけない
No keys to the factory Detroit lies in a shambles, in large part owing to the greed of the automobile unions. …

Pakistani PM to Obama: End drone strikesパキスタン首相、オバマ氏に無人機攻撃の停止を要請
Pakistani PM to Obama: End drone strikes President Obama and his Pakistani counterpart emerged from their mee…

Food-stamp looting 「フードスタンプ」略奪騒ぎ
Food-stamp looting A computer-software glitch over the weekend briefly removed spending limits from certain fo…

Foreign jihadists surpass Afghan-Soviet war, storm Syria in record numbersイスラム戦士、アフガンしのぐ規模でシリア流入
Foreign jihadists surpass Afghan-Soviet war, storm Syria in record numbers Foreigners fueled by Islamic fury a…

Russia to test new missile ロシアが新型ミサイル試射へ
Russia to test new missile Russia will test launch a controversial missile over the next several weeks that U….

Embarrassing Obama 厄介なオバマ大統領
Embarrassing Obama President Obama drew a red line, you might say, to protect Obamacare. Now the red ink, bloo…