Anti-Americanism rampant, fringe conspiracy theories take hold in Russia ロシアで高まる反米感情
Anti-Americanism rampant, fringe conspiracy theories take hold in Russia MOSCOW – It was a mere five yea…

Hillary’s corporate backers have long history with Bill クリントン夫妻への支援を続ける企業
Hillary’s corporate backers have long history with Bill When Hillary Rodham Clinton stepped in front of a podi…

The EPA’s Houdini bureaucrat 環境保護庁の奇術師
The EPA’s Houdini bureaucrat The ghost of master magician Harry Houdini lives at the Environmental Protection …

Gearing up: House panel on Benghazi attack staffing up, briefing members ベンガジ事件、下院特別委の準備進む
Gearing up: House panel on Benghazi attack staffing up, briefing members After a furious push to establish and…

Two Iraqi divisions dissolved, Gen. Dempsey tells Senate panel イラクで2個師団が解散、上院小委で統参議長が証言
Two Iraqi divisions dissolved, Gen. Dempsey tells Senate panel The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told …

Hard times in ‘dead broke’ Hillaryland 「無一文の」ヒラリーランドにおける苦難の時代
Hard times in ‘dead broke’ Hillaryland Life in Hillaryworld is a lot like life in Oz. The former first lady sa…

Hillary’s book tour from Hell: ‘Broke’ comment, NPR flap likely tip of iceberg スタートでつまずいたヒラリー氏の新著ツアー
Hillary’s book tour from Hell: ‘Broke’ comment, NPR flap likely tip of iceberg As soon as her new book hit sto…

Cantor to officially step down as House Majority Leader on July 31, backs McCarthy as replacement カンター下院院内総務7月31日に退任、後任にマッカーシー氏推す
Cantor to officially step down as House Majority Leader on July 31, backs McCarthy as replacement Rep. Eric Ca…

Presidential promises broken 破られた大統領の約束
Presidential promises broken President Obama insists his swapping an American soldier for terrorists is perfec…

Delay for Obamacare website for small businesses forces states to rethink options 小企業のオバマケア登録に遅れ システムの利用を見直す州も
Delay for Obamacare website for small businesses forces states to rethink options President Obama hailed the e…

Taliban calls Bergdahl prisoner exchange ‘great victory’ in viral video of swap タリバンが動画公開、捕虜交換は「大勝利」
Taliban calls Bergdahl prisoner exchange ‘great victory’ in viral video of swap A Taliban-produced video that …

The first lady’s food fight ミシェル・オバマ大統領夫人の食物闘争
The first lady’s food fight Michelle Obama has challenged congressional Republicans to a food fight. The first…

Experts tell House panel climate change science isn’t settled 気候変動は確立されていない、下院委で専門家
Experts tell House panel climate change science isn’t settled Liberals have been piling on Rep. Lamar Smith an…

First lady bemoans opposition to her unpopular school lunch program オバマ夫人、不人気の給食プログラムへの反対に不満表明
First lady bemoans opposition to her unpopular school lunch program First lady Michelle Obama on Tuesday chide…

Fleeing the nuttiness of Maryland 常軌を逸したメリーランド州から逃げる
EDITORIAL: Fleeing the nuttiness of Maryland If Maryland veers farther left, it might one day fall into Deep C…

Afghan security forces poorly equipped to treat wounded: Pentagon 負傷者に十分な治療施せないアフガン治安部隊-米国防総省
NEWS STORY/Afghan security forces poorly equipped to treat wounded: Pentagon Despite a decade of battle, Afgha…

Obama sending troops to help search for Nigerian schoolgirls 米、女生徒捜索でナイジェリアに派兵
Obama sending troops to help search for Nigerian schoolgirls The Obama administration deepened the U.S. milita…

A speech trap in Texas テキサス州における言論の自由のわな
A speech trap in Texas Lois Lerner has competition in Texas as the undisputed queen of harassment. For the pas…

Susan Rice predicts Benghazi panel will come up empty ベンガジ委員会は成果出せない-ライス補佐官
Susan Rice predicts Benghazi panel will come up empty White House National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice pred…

The Supreme Court saves a public prayer 最高裁、公的な祈りを救う
The Supreme Court saves a public prayer The professional grievance industry suffered a sharp setback Monday wh…

GOP vs. GOP: Fight over official stance on gays, abortion roiling Republicans 同性愛・中絶めぐる共和党対共和党の戦い
GOP vs. GOP: Fight over official stance on gays, abortion roiling Republicans MEMPHIS, Tenn. – Gay marri…

China’s missile cruiser a major step to naval warfare buildup 中国、ミサイル巡洋艦で海軍力増強へ
China’s missile cruiser a major step to naval warfare buildup China is developing an advanced guided missile c…

Obama continues touting executive action; GOP says inaction on Ukraine hurts the U.S. 大統領令を宣伝するオバマ氏とウクライナ政策を非難する共和党
Obama continues touting executive action; GOP says inaction on Ukraine hurts the U.S. President Obama on Satur…