対訳ワシントンタイムズ rss

House panel moves to stop Russia spy flights over U.S. 下院がロシアの米上空偵察飛行の停止求める

House panel moves to stop Russia spy flights over U.S. The House Committee on Armed Services this week imposed…


Voting with one’s feet shows folly of liberal economic policies 足による投票はリベラル派の経済政策の愚かさを示す

Voting with one’s feet shows folly of liberal economic policies Once-big and powerful states are shrinking. Su…


Amnesty for illegals and a permanent Democratic majority 不法移民に対する恩赦と民主党支配の恒久化

Amnesty for illegals and a permanent Democratic majority Democrats eager to enact amnesty are telling Republic…


Joe Biden’s biggest gaffe: VP blowing his 2016 head start 2016年大統領選で劣勢に立つバイデン副大統領

Joe Biden’s biggest gaffe: VP blowing his 2016 head start It has been clear for some time that Joseph R. Biden…


Removal of military gear limits options for U.S., NATO in Ukraine 軍備縮小でウクライナでの軍事オプションに制限

Removal of military gear limits options for U.S., NATO in Ukraine The Obama administration has removed all ope…


Another red line for Obama, this time with Iran, Aboutalebi オバマ大統領にとってのもう一つのレッドライン

Another red line for Obama, this time with Iran, Aboutalebi Old wounds can heal, but not if they’re continuall…


‘Modern marvel’: New U.S. Navy destroyer Zumwalt christened in Maine 「現代の驚異」新型駆逐艦ズムウォルトが命名式

‘Modern marvel’: New U.S. Navy destroyer Zumwalt christened in Maine BATH, Maine – The U.S. Navy on Satu…


Samantha Powerless on Syria genocide シリアの大虐殺に無力なサマンサ米国連大使

Samantha Powerless on Syria genocide Samantha Power, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, calls herself …


Russia, China leading efforts to bypass U.S. as IMF reforms stall on Capitol Hill 失速するIMF改革、米抜き目指す露中

Russia, China leading efforts to bypass U.S. as IMF reforms stall on Capitol Hill Russia, China and other majo…


Enemy of the press 言論の自由の敵

Enemy of the press Readers and viewers don’t often confuse Fox News with the New York Times. Each offers a uni…


GOP senators back Eastern Europe missile defense to punish Putin 共和党議員、東欧のミサイル防衛構想を支持

GOP senators back Eastern Europe missile defense to punish Putin The Obama administration is failing to seize …


U.S. fears Russia planning to federalize Ukraine, alarming Congress 米、ロシアのウクライナ編入を懸念

 U.S. fears Russia planning to federalize Ukraine, alarming Congress U.S. intelligence officials say Russia pl…


Iran’s busy hangmen イランで多忙な絞首刑執行人

Iran’s busy hangmen The hangman is out of work in most of the West. Even in the United States, where several s…


A merger between the United States and Canada? 米国とカナダの統合は可能か

A merger between the United States and Canada? If Diane Francis had her way, the U.S. would share a lot more w…


Goodbye, Russia; hello again, Cold War-era Group of Seven ロシアとの決別と冷戦時代のG7

Goodbye, Russia; hello again, Cold War-era Group of Seven Russia’s relatively brief foray into the world’s mos…


The criminal ‘link’ of forwarding websites ウェブサイトへのリンクが犯罪になる?

The criminal ‘link’ of forwarding websites The genius of the Internet is that it seamlessly links from one ite…


How to invite war? Equivocation 「曖昧な言葉」が戦争を招く

How to invite war? Equivocation President Obama, like Jimmy Carter before him, is finally getting a late educa…


Long march to Africa アフリカへの長征

 Long march to Africa China is set to establish military bases in key spots of Africa, directly challenging th…
