対訳ワシントンタイムズ rss

A hope for the new year 新年への希望

A hope for the new year The year 2013 ends with higher taxes, more spending and a stagnant economy. The promis…


Pre-Olympics terror attacks, Boston bombings may be linked to ‘Russian bin Laden’ 五輪前にロシアでテロ、ボストン事件と関連か

Pre-Olympics terror attacks, Boston bombings may be linked to ‘Russian bin Laden’ Two suicide bombings targeti…


The Christmas effect クリスマス効果

The Christmas effect Christmas continues to cheer our increasingly secularized and benighted world, and this s…


Obama, as president of the ‘Great Satan,’ likely won’t make a personal visit to Iran オバマ氏のイラン訪問は非現実的

Obama, as president of the ‘Great Satan,’ likely won’t make a personal visit to Iran On Iran, don’t expect Pre…


Gay marriage makes a world of differences in a defining year 同性婚めぐり各国で考えに相違

Gay marriage makes a world of differences in a defining year The sharp divisions among the states on gay marri…


Payback time in Wisconsin ウィスコンシン州知事へ仕返しの動き

Payback time in Wisconsin Some liberals think it’s payback time in Wisconsin. Conservatives have made substant…


Obama’s NSA review panel calls phone-snooping an abuse of Patriot Act NSAの通話監視は愛国者法違反、内部調査委が結論

Obama’s NSA review panel calls phone-snooping an abuse of Patriot Act President Obama’s internal review panel …


Mr. Obama’s pretentious obsession オバマ氏の思い上がった妄想

Mr. Obama’s pretentious obsession Most mourners at a funeral are happy that the occasion isn’t about them, but…


Russia unchallenged in move to rein in former satellites 旧衛星国への支配強めるロシア

Russia unchallenged in move to rein in former satellites Russian moves in Ukraine and other nations carved out…


Negotiators skirt customs, make flights easier from UAE to U.S. UAEの通関センター交渉に国土安保省が関与

Negotiators skirt customs, make flights easier from UAE to U.S. Top officials at the Homeland Security Departm…


Free-lunch economics フリーランチ(タダ飯)経済学

Free-lunch economics After five years of stimulus schemes ranging from federal bailouts and a trillion-dollar …


Obama war chiefs widen drone kill box 無人機攻撃の指針を緩和する軍参謀

Obama war chiefs widen drone kill box The Pentagon has loosened its guidelines on avoiding civilian casualties…


No more razzle-dazzle 目くらまし戦法はもうたくさんだ

No more razzle-dazzle President Obama’s deal-making skills usually shortchange America. He puts the world at r…


Broken promise of Obamacare to haunt Democrats’ congressional campaigns 民主党の選挙運動に付きまとうオバマケア

Broken promise of Obamacare to haunt Democrats’ congressional campaigns President Obama completed an ambitious…


Fracturing Obama’s oil spin オバマの石油を巡る情報操作を破砕する

Fracturing Obama’s oil spin With the debris of his health care scheme falling like autumn leaves, President Ob…


U.S. funds China’s nuclear security 中国の核安全保障に資金供給する米

U.S. funds China’s nuclear security The Obama administration is funding a joint nuclear security center in Bei…


Heckuva job, Obama! Americans jeer the president's performance オバマ大統領の仕事ぶりに厳しい評価

Heckuva job, Obama! Americans jeer the president’s performance President Obama’s approval rating h…


Trouble in Paradise  トラブル・イン・パラダイス

Trouble in Paradise Sometimes thTrouble in Paradisee government can make life better for everyone. This is the…


Back in Iowa, Ryan finds himself at a political crossroads アイオワ州再訪、政治的分岐点のライアン氏

Back in Iowa, Ryan finds himself at a political crossroads ALTOONA, Iowa - Despite being on the losing 2012 pr…
