Russia’s neighbors shiver amid Putin’s Cold War moves in Ukraine ロシアの冷戦戦略が周辺諸国に衝撃
Russia’s neighbors shiver amid Putin’s Cold War moves in Ukraine Moscow’s declaration that it intervened in Uk…

Venezuela at the edge 限界のベネズエラ
Venezuela at the edge The convulsions racking Venezuela are predictable, and tragic. When the heavy boot of go…

Spread of brutal Nigerian terrorist group alarms U.S. ナイジェリアのテロ組織拡大で米警戒
Spread of brutal Nigerian terrorist group alarms U.S. Boko Haram, the al Qaeda-inspired African terrorist grou…

All eyes on Moscow’s military moves in Ukraine ウクライナでのロシア軍の動きに警戒
All eyes on Moscow’s military moves in Ukraine U.S. intelligence agencies are stepping up their spying on Russ…

EDITORIAL/A UAW defeat in Chattanooga 全米自動車労組、チャタヌーガで敗北
EDITORIAL/A UAW defeat in Chattanooga The bullies failed. Assembly-line workers at the Volkswagen assembly pla…

DOD presses for EMF spectrum used by cell phones for next generation weapons 携帯電話の周波数帯の次世代兵器への配分望む国防総省
DOD presses for EMF spectrum used by cell phones for next generation weapons The Pentagon is pressing federal …

China readies for ‘short, sharp’ war with Japan 中国、日本との短期集中戦の準備
China readies for ‘short, sharp’ war with Japan China’s recent military exercises revealed that it is preparin…

The war on St. Valentine 聖バレンタインデーに仕掛けられる戦争
The war on St. Valentine Ruining holidays has become the national sport of the self-righteous and the politica…

U.S., China in war of words over South China Sea air zone 南シナ海防空権めぐり米中が対立
U.S., China in war of words over South China Sea air zone The Obama administration appears to be launching a n…

Japanese man wins landmark lawsuit on religious oppression 宗教迫害めぐり日本人男性に画期的判決
Japanese man wins landmark lawsuit on religious oppression A Japanese man who had been kidnapped by family mem…

It’s a bird! It’s a drone! 「鳥だ!いや無人飛行機だ!」
It’s a bird! It’s a drone! Humphrey Bogart’s classic line in the movie “Casablanca” could take on a sinister n…

Another night, another speech 変わり映えのしない一般教書演説
Another night, another speech The words on the teleprompter were changed for Tuesday night, but when Americans…

Keystone XL oil pipeline clears big hurdle 大きな障害越えたキーストーン油送管
Keystone XL oil pipeline clears big hurdle A long-awaited State Department review has raised no serious enviro…

Intelligence leaks top terrorism in threat assessment テロの脅威トップは情報漏洩―年次報告
Intelligence leaks top terrorism in threat assessment Syria has become a hotbed for al Qaeda training, Iran’s …

Wyoming town taken over by an Indian tribe インディアンの部族に乗っ取られるワイオミングの町
Wyoming town taken over by an Indian tribe Residents of Riverton, a quiet town of 11,000 in Wyoming, were shoc…

Looking to 2016, RNC shortens presidential primary calendar 2016年大統領選にらみ予備選の日程を短縮-共和党
Looking to 2016, RNC shortens presidential primary calendar The Republican National Committee voted Friday to …

China trying to drive U.S. out of Asia 米国をアジアから追い出したい中国
China trying to drive U.S. out of Asia Former State Department official Kurt Campbell recently explained why 2…

Benghazi murders were preventable, the White House coverup shameful ベンガジ殺人は防げた、ホワイトハウスは隠蔽を恥ずべし
Benghazi murders were preventable, the White House coverup shameful The incompetence and irresponsibility at B…

Obama: ‘I’ll act on my own’ to make ‘breakthrough year’ happen 私のやり方で「躍進の年」にする-オバマ氏
Obama: ‘I’ll act on my own’ to make ‘breakthrough year’ happen Again promising to act on his own wherever and …

Sochi Olympics face high threat of attack 攻撃の脅威にさらされるソチ五輪
INSIDE THE RING: Sochi Olympics face high threat of attack U.S. national security and law enforcement agencies…

Detroit police chief wants citizens to arm themselves 市民に武装を求めるデトロイト市の警察本部長
Detroit police chief wants citizens to arm themselves Motor City has become Murder City. With 333 homicides of…

House passes Obamacare security-notification law; 67 Democrats join GOP majority オバマケア情報流出通告法案が通過、民主議員67人も賛成
House passes Obamacare security-notification law; 67 Democrats join GOP majority The House passed a bill Frida…

Iraqi diplomat wants Obama engagement in al Qaeda crisis イラク大使、アルカイダ勢力拡大で米国の関与求める
Iraqi diplomat wants Obama engagement in al Qaeda crisis Iraq’s ambassador to Washington says the Obama admini…