対訳ワシントンタイムズ rss

Obama announces $33B in commitments to Africa オバマ氏、アフリカへの330億㌦投資計画を発表

Obama announces $33B in commitments to Africa President Obama on Tuesday announced $14 billion in new private-…


Another economic bubble about to burst? 次の経済バブルが待ち構えているかも

Another economic bubble about to burst? Good economic news hit the wires last week, with the wires humming a t…


Ben Carson takes major step toward presidential campaign ベン・カーソン氏、大統領選へ大きな一歩

Ben Carson takes major step toward presidential campaign Ben Carson, the former neurosurgeon turned conservati…


House votes to sue Obama over claims of presidential power 大統領権限めぐりオバマ氏提訴を承認-下院

House votes to sue Obama over claims of presidential power House Republicans voted Wednesday evening to author…


John Kerry: Millions displaced by religious fighting in 2013 2013年の宗教的紛争で大量の避難民-国務長官

John Kerry: Millions displaced by religious fighting in 2013 Christians facing death threats from Islamic extr…


Snipers from the left target Hillary 左派からの狙撃兵がヒラリーを狙う

Snipers from the left target Hillary Democrats thought they were on to something good when they awarded their …


Federal judge rules D.C. ban on handguns in public is unconstitutional 公共の場での拳銃所持禁止は違憲-ワシントン

Federal judge rules D.C. ban on handguns in public is unconstitutional The District’s ban on carrying handguns…


Obama executive actions seen as threat to Constitution オバマ氏の大統領令は立憲制度への脅威

Obama executive actions seen as threat to Constitution A prominent law professor and avowed supporter of the O…


The threat of fall of Baghdad evokes Saigon 1975 1975年のサイゴンを想起させるバグダッド陥落の脅威

The threat of fall of Baghdad evokes Saigon 1975 It’s something like Vietnam, all over again. As the rebels of…


Islamic State leader al-Baghdadi formerly a U.S. captive イスラム国のバグダディは米軍に拘束されていた

Islamic State leader al-Baghdadi formerly a U.S. captive The U.S. held him captive for a time in 2004 before a…


A lot of hot air in Beijing 北京での無意味な交渉

A lot of hot air in Beijing Senior Obama administration officials this week trumpeted bilateral climate change…


Religious freedom cases to fill Supreme Court docket 最高裁で続く信教の自由裁判

Religious freedom cases to fill Supreme Court docket The ink has barely dried on the U.S. Supreme Court’s fina…


It’s cops vs. dogs in the backyard 裏庭での警官と犬の対決

It’s cops vs. dogs in the backyard Hundreds of anguished pet owners gathered last week at the headquarters of …


ISIL’s rise forces GOP 2016 hopefuls to weigh in on intervention イラク問題で応迫られる共和党の大統領選出馬予定者

ISIL’s rise forces GOP 2016 hopefuls to weigh in on intervention The rise of Islamist guerrillas in Iraq is fo…


Tsunami of the huddled masses 津波のように押し寄せる越境集団

Tsunami of the huddled masses President Obama’s dirty laundry is on display on the border for all to see. U.S….
