対訳ワシントンタイムズ rss

CIA goes to war 戦争に向かうCIA

CIA goes to war Behind the scenes of the U.S. military preparations for airstrikes in Iraq and Syria against t…


Congress demands Obama act to keep Islamic terrorists out of U.S. 米議会、イスラム戦士の入国阻止へ行動求める

Congress demands Obama act to keep Islamic terrorists out of U.S. While President Obama is focused on getting …


The ‘monetary-easing’ moneytrap 「金融緩和」という金融政策のわな

The ‘monetary-easing’ moneytrap The plates to print money across the world ought to come with a warning label….


Chastened, changed Obama suddenly echoes Bush 41 ブッシュ元大統領思わせるオバマ氏の演説

Chastened, changed Obama suddenly echoes Bush 41 It’s long been said that the Oval Office changes its oc…


Obama immigration delay means 60,000 to be deported by November 移民改革の延期で11月までに6万人が国外退去に

Obama immigration delay means 60,000 to be deported by November Nearly 60,000 immigrants will be deported befo…


Childhood outlawed 違法とされる子供時代のしつけ方

Childhood outlawed The days when a boy could ride his bicycle to the park to take in a carefree summer day are…


Sweeping away consumer choice 消費者の選択はお構いなし?

Sweeping away consumer choice Politics can be a grimy business. Beginning Monday, the grit and grime on the Co…


Western jihadists cause lawmakers to question citizenship, travel rights 欧米人聖戦主義者の国籍、旅行の権利で問題提起

Western jihadists cause lawmakers to question citizenship, travel rights Sen. Ted Cruz, Texas Republican, told…


Chicago crime rate drops as concealed carry applications surge 武器携帯申請が急増、シカゴ犯罪率は低下

Chicago crime rate drops as concealed carry applications surge An 86-year-old Illinois man with a concealed ca…


Economic strangulation with red tape レッド・テープ(注)による経済的締め付け

Economic strangulation with red tape President Obama knows nothing about making the economy grow. On his watch…


Graham: Islamic State has capability to hit homeland イスラム国は米本土攻撃能力持つ-グラハム議員

Graham: Islamic State has capability to hit homeland U.S. lawmakers Sunday said the Islamic State is moving cl…



CHINA’S NUCLEAR ‘LEAP’ An internal People’s Liberation Army document has revealed plan…


Obama admin thwarting release of public data under FOIA, lawsuit charges FOIA情報公開を妨害、オバマ政権を提訴

Obama admin thwarting release of public data under FOIA, lawsuit charges The administration that vowed to be t…


Religious persecution and the return of the barbarians 宗教的迫害と野蛮人の返り咲き

Religious persecution and the return of the barbarians Persecution of religious believers went out of style am…


Kurdish diplomat debunks Yazidi claims of exploitation クルド外交官、ヤジディ教徒の発言に反論

Kurdish diplomat debunks Yazidi claims of exploitation The top Kurdish diplomat in Washington pushed back asse…


France to send military hardware in support of Kurdish rebels 仏、クルド民兵らへ軍需品供与

France to send military hardware in support of Kurdish rebels France said it would begin rushing military hard…


Obama adjusts Iraq narrative, now blames Bush for troop withdrawal オバマ氏、イラク撤退で発言変え、前政権を非難

Obama adjusts Iraq narrative, now blames Bush for troop withdrawal The president who spent years touting the w…


Obama's fulfilled promise of electric rates skyrocketing オバマ大統領は電気料金急上昇の公約を守った

Obama’s fulfilled promise of electric rates skyrocketing President Obama is often faulted, rightly so, f…


Iraq airstrikes undercut Obama peace credentials, analysts say オバマ氏の平和主義者としての信頼損ねるイラク空爆

Iraq airstrikes undercut Obama peace credentials, analysts say A little more than 24 hours after wrapping up a…
