Making nice with the Castro brothers betrays their victims カストロ兄弟と仲良くすることは犠牲者への裏切りだ
Making nice with the Castro brothers betrays their victims Sen. Marco Rubio calls President Obama’s rema…

Obama: North Korea’s attack ‘cybervandalism,’ not an ‘act of war’ オバマ氏、北のサイバー攻撃は「戦争行為」ではない
Obama: North Korea’s attack ‘cybervandalism,’ not an ‘act of war’ President Obama on Sunday called the unprece…

Redskins drop plans to use Chinese-built Wi-Fi at stadium レッドスキンズ、中国企業のWi-Fi利用計画を撤回
Redskins drop plans to use Chinese-built Wi-Fi at stadium Just weeks after announcing a deal to install a Wi-F…

Navy warns budget cuts delaying ship repairs, leaving sailors out to sea 予算削減で艦艇の修理が遅れ海上任務延期招く
Navy warns budget cuts delaying ship repairs, leaving sailors out to sea Politically motivated budget cuts and…

Authorization for wasting money 浪費の権限を与える国防権限法
Authorization for wasting money The House has passed the $585 billion Fiscal Year 2015 National Defense Author…

Racial profiling guidelines slammed as overly broad, full of loopholes 司法省の新指針に批判、大ざっぱで抜け道も
Racial profiling guidelines slammed as overly broad, full of loopholes The Justice Department on Monday announ…

Obama’s petulance spoils a deal for the quacks on the Hill オバマのかんしゃくで連邦議会のドタバタ収まらず
Obama’s petulance spoils a deal for the quacks on the Hill The noisy quacking of the lame ducks out to despoil…

Drones in demand: Congress eyes more surveillance craft for Islamic State fight 議会が「イスラム国」対策で無人機の増加を要求
Drones in demand: Congress eyes more surveillance craft for Islamic State fight Congress is blocking the Air F…

China: A cyberwarring state サイバー空間で戦う中国
China: A cyberwarring state China’s strategy of large-scale cyberattacks is motivated mainly by the goal…

A-10 Warthog retirement debated after replacement’s role in ‘friendly fire’ deaths 誤爆受け、攻撃機A10後継めぐり議論
A-10 Warthog retirement debated after replacement’s role in ‘friendly fire’ deaths A large association of batt…

Grand jury files show Ferguson cop shunned Taser, renewing debate over nonlethal weapons テイザー銃を避けるファーガソンの警官、非致死性の武器めぐり議論再燃
Grand jury files show Ferguson cop shunned Taser, renewing debate over nonlethal weapons Buried in the vast gr…

2016 GOP hopefuls struggle to appease base on amnesty without angering Hispanics 共和党の有力大統領候補者、移民改革で支持基盤とヒスパニックの板挟み
2016 GOP hopefuls struggle to appease base on amnesty without angering Hispanics The 2016 Republican president…

Clinton’s lesson of 1994 lost on Obama 1994年のクリントンから教訓を学ばなかったオバマ
Clinton’s lesson of 1994 lost on Obama When Democrats lost control of the House back in 1994, the Clinton Whit…

Cybersecurity lapses leave government agencies vulnerable to hackers 政府機関でサイバーセキュリティー対策に遅れ
Cybersecurity lapses leave government agencies vulnerable to hackers Even though there have been at least two …

Now hiring: Islamic State needs mechanics and technicians to manage gear イスラム国、装備の運用に技術者を募集
Now hiring: Islamic State needs mechanics and technicians to manage gear The Islamic State terrorist army, in …

White House taunts GOP on climate change: ‘I don’t believe they can stop us’ 気候変動で共和党をあざわらうホワイトハウス
White House taunts GOP on climate change: ‘I don’t believe they can stop us’ The White House forged ahead Mond…

New VA chief rolls up his sleeves to clean up the mess 綱紀粛正にやる気満々の新退役軍人省長官
New VA chief rolls up his sleeves to clean up the mess Taking the top job at a scandal-ridden agency such as t…

Obamacare Facebook page comments mostly from small group of supporters オバマケアFBの大部分の投稿は一部の支持者から
Obamacare Facebook page comments mostly from small group of supporters Americans began heading anew this weeke…

Republican pressure builds to block Obama’s unilateral immigration order 共和党、移民問題でオバマ氏への圧力強める
Republican pressure builds to block Obama’s unilateral immigration order Dozens of House Republicans have sign…

Obamacare may not have enough enrollees to stay solvent オバマケア、登録者少なく維持できない可能性も
Obamacare may not have enough enrollees to stay solvent The administration on Monday said fewer than 10 millio…

Harry Reid’s last hurrah ハリー・リード上院院内総務(民主)の有終の美?
Harry Reid’s last hurrah Congress will convene soon as a convention of lame ducks, and ducks usually don’…

Cyberattacks on Obama agenda in Asia サイバー攻撃がオバマ氏アジア歴訪の課題に
Cyberattacks on Obama agenda in Asia On his weeklong trip to Asia that begins Monday, President Obama will mee…

GOP’s new stars break mold, refresh Republican brand 型破りな新人誕生で共和党に新たな息吹
GOP’s new stars break mold, refresh Republican brand From the first female black Republican ever elected to Co…