China markets attack drone to foreign customers 中国、攻撃型無人機を外国に販売
China markets attack drone to foreign customers A brochure from a Chinese state-run company reveals new detail…

White House scrambles to limit damage from Hillary Clinton email scandal メール疑惑のダメージを抑えようと必死のホワイトハウス
White House scrambles to limit damage from Hillary Clinton email scandal Hillary Rodham Clinton’s email …

When dictators go missing 独裁者らの行方不明
When dictators go missing When Russian President Vladimir Putin vanished from sight in early March all the exp…

Tikrit assault stalls as Obama withholds airstrikes to avoid Iran ties, analysts say イランとの接触恐れティクリート空爆を手控える米
Tikrit assault stalls as Obama withholds airstrikes to avoid Iran ties, analysts say The lack of U.S. airstrik…

U.S. Air Force blasted for defying Congress over Russian rocket ban 露ロケット使用停止計画で議会に盾突く空軍
U.S. Air Force blasted for defying Congress over Russian rocket ban Top lawmakers are angrily accusing the Air…

Ted Cruz: In 2017, GOP president will sign legislation ‘repealing every word of Obamacare’ クルーズ上院議員、共和党の大統領が2017年に「オバマケアを廃止する」
Ted Cruz: In 2017, GOP president will sign legislation ‘repealing every word of Obamacare’ As the administrati…

The campaign rally at Selma 50年前のセルマで起きた「血の日曜日事件」を選挙運動に利用
The campaign rally at Selma When President Obama marched across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma he had Repub…

State asked if White House ordered Clinton probes; refers question to White House クリントン氏のメール疑惑で質問を避ける国務省
State asked if White House ordered Clinton probes; refers question to White House The State Department decline…

Ash Carter: Islamic State ‘metastasizing,’ U.S. intervention desperately needed 「イスラム国」は「転移」、米の介入が不可欠-国防長官
Ash Carter: Islamic State ‘metastasizing,’ U.S. intervention desperately needed The Islamic State is “me…

Senate Republicans’ letter to Iran draws furious response from White House, Democrats 共和党上院議員がイランに書簡、大統領・民主党が強く反発
Senate Republicans’ letter to Iran draws furious response from White House, Democrats A letter from Senate Rep…

The Netanyahu speech ネタニヤフ首相の演説
The Netanyahu speech Benjamin Netanyahu knocked one out of the park Tuesday, and once it cleared the fence the…

Obama in Selma: America’s racial past ‘still casts its long shadow’ 人種差別の過去は「まだ影を落としている」-オバマ氏
Obama in Selma: America’s racial past ‘still casts its long shadow’ Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the …

North Korean hacking threatens nations 国家を脅かす北朝鮮のハッキング
North Korean hacking threatens nations A North Korean defector who once helped train Pyongyang’s militar…

Obama’s signature gift for Iran イランのためにオバマ氏署名権行使か
Obama’s signature gift for Iran President Obama yearns for a “signature” accomplishment overseas t…

Rising Dem star committed ‘mortal sin’ by ripping Obama on Islamic State 民主新進議員の「イスラム国」政策批判は「大罪」
Rising Dem star committed ‘mortal sin’ by ripping Obama on Islamic State Hawaii Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard,…

John Kerry’s shock claim: Cold War was simple compared with Islamic State fight 冷戦はイスラム国対策に比べればシンプル―国務長官
John Kerry’s shock claim: Cold War was simple compared with Islamic State fight Secretary of State John F. Ker…

Team Bibi schools Team Obama in speech boycott showdown 演説ボイコットでオバマ陣営を諭すネタニヤフ陣営
Team Bibi schools Team Obama in speech boycott showdown Team Barack started strong, but Team Bibi is showing i…

Fleeing California カリフォルニアからの脱出
Fleeing California More than a century ago, Roy Farmer, 20, went door-to-door in Los Angeles with his bags of …

Feds urge eating less meat … to fight climate change 肉食を減らし気候変動抑制を-政府が勧告
Feds urge eating less meat … to fight climate change The government’s effort to combat climate change is…

China conducts JL-2 sub missile test 中国がJL2潜水艦発射ミサイルを試射
China conducts JL-2 sub missile test China carried out a flight test of its new JL-2 submarine-launched ballis…

Carly Unplugged: Fiorina takes aim at liberal elitism, politics’ glass ceiling HP元会長、リベラル派のエリート意識、政界の昇進の壁を非難
Carly Unplugged: Fiorina takes aim at liberal elitism, politics’ glass ceiling Carly Fiorina, who rose to powe…

Bibi-bashing hypocrisy ネタニヤフ首相バッシングの偽善
Bibi-bashing hypocrisy Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tells it like it is, clear and plain with the…

Obama’s underwhelming Islamic State war powers request raises doubts 「イスラム国」対策で控えめな大統領に強まる懸念
Obama’s underwhelming Islamic State war powers request raises doubts Congressional Republicans on Sunday quest…