States, religious groups, colleges, retirement homes file Supreme Court briefs 州、宗教団体、大学、老人ホームが最高裁に法廷趣意書提出
States, religious groups, colleges, retirement homes file Supreme Court briefs Numerous religious organization…

The lion in summer 人気者のライオンの死と中絶胎児の臓器販売
The lion in summer Reverence for life is a good thing, but some people who revere lion life have got their pri…

Homeland Security PR campaign: Stay on your side of the border 不法移民で国土安保省がキャンペーン
Homeland Security PR campaign: Stay on your side of the border The Department of Homeland Security is ramping …

Obama warns of U.S.-Israel war against Iran ‘soon’ if Congress kills nuclear deal 核合意拒否ならイランと戦争に、オバマ氏が警告
Obama warns of U.S.-Israel war against Iran ‘soon’ if Congress kills nuclear deal President Obama attacked Rep…

Islamic State attacks beyond Syria, Iraq prompt U.S. concern 米、シリア・イラク外での「イスラム国」の攻撃に懸念
Islamic State attacks beyond Syria, Iraq prompt U.S. concern A surge in attacks claimed by Islamic State fight…

Drifting toward crisis on Taiwan 危機に向かって押し流されている台湾
Drifting toward crisis on Taiwan Xi Jinping, the president of the People’s Republic of China and the cha…

Calls mount for Hillary Clinton criminal investigation amid email data breach fears クリントン氏の機密メールで捜査要求強まる
Calls mount for Hillary Clinton criminal investigation amid email data breach fears With U.S. intelligence off…

Newly recovered Lois Lerner email shows IRS tried to cover up tea party targeting IRSの隠蔽工作示すメールが公開
Newly recovered Lois Lerner email shows IRS tried to cover up tea party targeting The IRS sent one of its intr…

Obama denies sacrificing Kurds to gain Turkey’s help in Islamic State fight クルド人犠牲に対「イスラム国」でトルコの協力獲得か、米政府は否定
Obama denies sacrificing Kurds to gain Turkey’s help in Islamic State fight Turkey has finally entered in forc…

Keeping the ballot secure 投票の安全を守ることが先決
Keeping the ballot secure “Your vote counts” is a snappy slogan just short enough to fit on a lape…

Obama ‘most frustrated’ by inability to pass gun control 銃規制承認されず不満なオバマ氏
Obama ‘most frustrated’ by inability to pass gun control President Obama has drawn clear linkages between crim…

Homeland Security committee chair wants Obama-led coalition to battle terrorists in Syria テロと戦う米主導の新連合創設を要請-国安全保障委員長
Homeland Security committee chair wants Obama-led coalition to battle terrorists in Syria House Committee on H…

Obama under fire for evading Congress on Iran nuclear deal イラン核合意で議会を軽視したとオバマ氏に非難
Obama under fire for evading Congress on Iran nuclear deal President Obama secured quick United Nations approv…

President Obama’s hissy fit かっとなったオバマ大統領
President Obama’s hissy fit There is not a lot to love in President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, desp…

Obama’s resolve to fight Islamist terror questioned after latest attack on U.S. soil オバマ氏のテロ対策に疑問
Obama’s resolve to fight Islamist terror questioned after latest attack on U.S. soil President Obama so far ha…

Donald Trump, Jeb Bush on the rise in new national poll on 2016 GOP field トランプ、ブッシュ両氏、新調査で高支持率
Donald Trump, Jeb Bush on the rise in new national poll on 2016 GOP field Real estate mogul Donald Trump’s sto…

Death in a sanctuary 「(移民の)聖域都市」(注)での死
Death in a sanctuary Sometimes a single event cuts through the rhetorical fog to illustrate with stunning clar…

Obama green energy spending distorts solar power markets, risks ‘bubble’ 太陽光発電市場を歪めるオバマ氏のグリーンエネルギー予算
Obama green energy spending distorts solar power markets, risks ‘bubble’ President Obama has engaged in unprec…

Russian nuclear threat grows 強まるロシアの核の脅威
Russian nuclear threat grows Russia is emerging as a new strategic nuclear threat to the United States, a seni…

States rebel against Supreme Court gay marriage ruling 最高裁の同性婚判決に反発する州
States rebel against Supreme Court gay marriage ruling Resistance may look futile, but U.S. lawmakers and stat…

Snark and bias alert スナーク(悪意ある発言)と偏見に警告
Snark and bias alert Prime Minister David Cameron is a brave man. He has undertaken to take control and oversi…

Classified Clinton emails require seizure of server, Judicial Watch says クリントン氏のサーバー押収求め提訴-監視機関
Classified Clinton emails require seizure of server, Judicial Watch says The president of a conservative watch…

Joe Biden likely to join 2016 White House race next month, top fundraiser says バイデン氏、来月大統領選出馬を表明か
Joe Biden likely to join 2016 White House race next month, top fundraiser says Vice President Joseph R. Biden&…