
Army intel bucks Homeland, warns anew of possible Islamic State attack on U.S. soil 陸軍情報機関が米本土へのイスラム国の攻撃を警告
Army intel bucks Homeland, warns anew of possible Islamic State attack on U.S. soil While the Department of Ho…

Fence good for White House, but not for southern border? 治安防護壁はホワイトハウスには必要で、南部国境には不要なのか
Fence good for White House, but not for southern border? President Obama has finally endorsed building a bette…

counterinsurgency operatives deployed to Ukraine 武装勢力対策チームをウクライナに派遣
counterinsurgency operatives deployed to Ukraine The Pentagon has dispatched eight military personnel to Kiev …

‘Make in India’: Prime minister envisions manufacturing hub to rival China 「メーク・イン・インディア」中国と並ぶ製造拠点目指すインド首相
‘Make in India’: Prime minister envisions manufacturing hub to rival China Seeking to put some muscle behind h…

地球だより 南米の大国ブラジルで来月5日に大統領選挙が実施されるが、女性候補2人がデッドヒートを繰り広げている。 両候補とも異色の経歴だ。現職ルセフ大統領は、ブラジルの軍政時代に反政府活動を行い、軍部によって拷問を受…


Illegals on Obamacare? Feds set to bounce 115,000 from program who can’t prove citizenship 滞在資格示せず、11万5000人がオバマケア登録無効に
Illegals on Obamacare? Feds set to bounce 115,000 from program who can’t prove citizenship The Obama administr…

The Obama disease takes toll on economy オバマ病が経済を損なう
The Obama disease takes toll on economy Ronald Reagan’s famous question that sank Jimmy Carter in 1980 &…

Hillary Clinton at DNC women’s forum: ‘So much at stake’ in this year’s midterms ヒラリー・クリントン氏、民主党女性会議で投票を呼び掛け
Hillary Clinton at DNC women’s forum: ‘So much at stake’ in this year’s midterms Former Secretary of State Hil…

女性2候補の支持率拮抗 、ブラジル大統領選が終盤戦へ

CIA goes to war 戦争に向かうCIA
CIA goes to war Behind the scenes of the U.S. military preparations for airstrikes in Iraq and Syria against t…

Congress demands Obama act to keep Islamic terrorists out of U.S. 米議会、イスラム戦士の入国阻止へ行動求める
Congress demands Obama act to keep Islamic terrorists out of U.S. While President Obama is focused on getting …

地上部隊派遣が必要と専門家 オバマ米大統領は10日に発表したイスラム教スンニ派の過激組織「イスラム国」打倒に向けた戦略で、空爆をシリアに拡大する一方、戦闘部隊は派遣しない方針を強調した。だが、イラク、シリアで広大な地域…

The ‘monetary-easing’ moneytrap 「金融緩和」という金融政策のわな
The ‘monetary-easing’ moneytrap The plates to print money across the world ought to come with a warning label….

Chastened, changed Obama suddenly echoes Bush 41 ブッシュ元大統領思わせるオバマ氏の演説
Chastened, changed Obama suddenly echoes Bush 41 It’s long been said that the Oval Office changes its oc…

地球だより 米首都ワシントン郊外の自宅近くの教会駐車場で毎週土曜日に開かれている「ファーマーズ・マーケット(FM)」をのぞいてみた。FMとは、近隣の農家が野菜や果物などを直売する青空市のことで、健康志向や食の安全意識の…


Obama immigration delay means 60,000 to be deported by November 移民改革の延期で11月までに6万人が国外退去に
Obama immigration delay means 60,000 to be deported by November Nearly 60,000 immigrants will be deported befo…

Childhood outlawed 違法とされる子供時代のしつけ方
Childhood outlawed The days when a boy could ride his bicycle to the park to take in a carefree summer day are…

Obama: Syrians, Iraqis – not U.S. – need to lead fight against Islamic State イスラム国と戦うのはシリア人とイラク人-オバマ氏
Obama: Syrians, Iraqis – not U.S. – need to lead fight against Islamic State President Obama said …

U.S. military reliance on Russian rocket raises security fears 米軍のロシア製ロケットへの依存で国家安全保障に懸念
U.S. military reliance on Russian rocket raises security fears The rising tensions with Russia over its aggres…

Sweeping away consumer choice 消費者の選択はお構いなし?
Sweeping away consumer choice Politics can be a grimy business. Beginning Monday, the grit and grime on the Co…