弾劾公聴会のテレビ中継、米国民の大多数は視聴せず Vast majority of Americans tuning out impeachment hearings on television


















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There are about 330 million Americans. According to the ratings, nearly 320 million of them aren’t watching the House impeachment proceedings against President Trump.

Despite television networks’ fervent belief that the country should be paying attention, with wall-to-wall coverage on all the cable news stations and most of the broadcast networks, the early days of hearings have drawn paltry ratings, as viewers vote with their eyes.

“It’s on constantly but I’m not paying any attention to it,” said Emily Brown, a waitress at Mandy’s, a popular breakfast and lunch spot near New Orleans.

In Omaha, Nebraska, bartenders told The Washington Times that their channels are tuned to sports, and they’ve not had patrons asking to change the channel.

On the city’s streets the spectacle drew yawns as well.

“I’m not really watching it during the day. I’ll look online at night just to see what happened,” said 47-year-old Jeremy, an Omaha dog groomer, as he played with an excited boxer.

Tuesday’s morning session averaged 11.4 million viewers across the three big cable news stations and ABC, CBS and NBC. The afternoon session averaged 13 million viewers.

Those were similar to the 12.7 million viewers Friday’s hearings drew on average - down from the 13.1 million posted on Nov. 13, the first day of public hearings.

It’s far from the “huge” audiences Reuters reported that the networks had expected to tune in, but it’s also not the “way down” ratings that Rep. Devin Nunes of California, the top Republican on the intelligence committee, touted during one of Tuesday’s hearings.

Wednesday brought another day of hearings, but attrition has begun.

As the clock struck noon on Wednesday in Washington - perhaps the most interested potential audience - the local ABC affiliate had ditched impeachment coverage and was airing its regular newscast instead. The Fox station had a daytime talk show.

NBC and CBS were still going wall-to-wall with impeachment, joining the cable news stations.

Those viewers who did tune in heard a confusing day of testimony.

Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, said he figured there was a quid pro quo tying U.S. military assistance to Ukraine agreeing to conduct investigations Mr. Trump had sought. But Mr. Sondland also said he had never heard anyone explicitly tell him one was contingent on the other - and indeed Mr. Trump explicitly told him there was no quid pro quo.

Perhaps most striking has been Mr. Trump’s approval rating which stands at 44% in the Real Clear Politics average of national polls. That’s virtually unchanged, with only a point or two of variation, since his State of the Union address in February - a remarkably consistent record.

Likewise support for impeachment remains largely unchanged since the beginning of public hearings a week ago, with some surveys even showing a drop in support.

November 21, 2019